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100% natural | No GMO | sugar free | vegan

Triple Blocker PRO 1+1 FREE

Food supplement with sweetener

The ultimate 3-in-1 slimming supplement - block carbohydrates, sugars & fats, suppress hunger attacks and reduce cravings!

Clinically proven results with patented ID-alG™, ProGymnema™ and ProGarcinia™ (60% HCA) extracts

  • Enables effective weight loss without strict diets
  • Cut calories from your meals (fatty and sugary foods) - blocks up to 77%* of carbohydrate and up to 63%* of fat digestion enzymes ¹
  • Sugar blocker that reduces sweet cravings ²
  • Suppresses the feeling of hunger ³
  • Contributes to the reduction of fat storage and helps in weight control ³
  • Maintains normal absorption of micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals
  • HCA inhibits the breakdown of fat, helps reduce food intake and helps with weight loss³
  • Eliminate excess body weight and maintains satiation ³

Lose weight and shape your body without impossible strict diets!

* Based on clinical studies. Results may vary from person to person.

Net 300 g | for 30 days
Regular price: £69.80
In stock
and save £34.90
60-day refund policy
Free delivery for orders over £50
Delivery within 2-3 working days

Stop strict diets, suppres hunger attacks and reduce cravings!

Never seen before: triple action against excess body weight

Block fat & carb absorption

ID-alG™ brown seaweed extract works to reduce the activity of the digestive enzymes responsible for breaking down fat and carbohydrates. Same meals = less calories!

Supress hunger attacks and reduce cravings

ProGymnema™ works as a natural sugar blocker that helps reduce sweet cravings. With the help of HCA (hydroxycitric acid), a natural compound found in the garcinia cambogia extract, this revolutionary weight loss formula also helps with appetite suppression and reducing hunger attacks.

Prevents fat accumulation and helps weight loss

Besides helping you to eat less, HCA also helps to inhibit lipase or the breakdown of fat. This helps in preventing fat accumulation and helps weight loss.




ID-alG ™ is an extract of the brown seaweed Ascophyllum nodosum, which is rich in long-chain polyphenols called phlorotannins. They help inhibit the activity of two main digestive enzymes, lipase and amylase, blocking up to 77%* of carbohydrate digestion and 63%* of fat digestion.

²Gymnema sylvestre extract

Gymnema sylvestre (Gymnema sylvestre) is a plant used in Ayurveda, a form of ancient holistic medicine practiced in India. The Hindi term for it is gurmar, roughly translated as “sugar destroyer.” This is because gymnema leaves contain a compound called gymnemic acid, which selectively suppresses sweet tastes, resulting in reduced sweet cravings.

³Garcinia cambogia extract

Garcinia cambogia (Garcinia gummi-gutta) contains hydroxycitric acid (HCA), a natural compound that inhibits the enzyme lipase, which is responsible for fat breakdown in the body. This helps in preventing fat accumulation and weight loss in the body.


I've tried countless weight loss supplements, and I can say that this blocker really works! It helped me cut calories and reduce my sweet cravings, all while keeping me feeling full and satisfied. I highly recommend this product to anyone looking to lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle.


I was skeptical about trying another weight loss supplement, but this one exceeded my expectations. Not only did it help me lose weight, but it also maintained my absorption of essential micronutrients. I love that I can enjoy my favorite foods without feeling guilty or deprived!


This carb and fat blocker has been a game-changer for me. It makes it easy to maintain a healthy weight without sacrificing my favorite foods. I no longer have to rely on strict diets to see results. I highly recommend it!

Kako je Neisha shujšala in ohranila izgubljeno telesno težo medtem ko je polno zasedena pevka?

Odločila sem se, da bom v svoje dneve vključila zabavne športe in dejavnosti. Zato sem začela trenirati trikrat na teden. Ker sem velika ljubiteljica narave, poskušam med vikendi vsaj za nekaj ur iti v gozd.

Zmanjšala sem uživanje alkohola in predelane hrane. Začela sem jesti več sadja in skrbeti za zadostno hidracijo.


V dveh mesecih mi je uspelo izgubiti 4 kg!



Majhna, vendar pomembna zmaga. To mi je dalo motivacijo za nadaljevanje in preizkušanje novih stvari. Vendar je bilo moje pevsko življenje, čeprav je bilo zelo lepo, še vedno naporno.

Zato sem bila primorana poiskati naravno rešitev, ki bi okrepila moja prizadevanja za izgubo telesne teže.


A to še ni vse…

🥐 Nočni napadi lakote so končno izginili: V večernih urah me je vedno pestila želja po sladkem, ki je uničevala moj napredek. Zdaj po 20. uri ne razmišljam več o hrani.

 Moja raven energije se je povečala: Pred tem sem bila opoldne utrujena, zdaj pa imam energijo, ki traja skozi cel dan.

👑 Ponovno sem pridobila samozavest za nastopanje na odru in druženje z drugimi ljudmi.


In najboljši del?

Če je to uspelo meni, ob zelo natrpanem življenjskem slogu…

Lahko uspe tudi VAM!

Pred tem se leto in pol moja teža ni zmanjšala. Imela sem občutek, da moje telo kopiči vse, kar sem pojedla. Vendar je bila kombinacija zdravega načina življenja in tega “Tri-force” fenomena učinkovita izbira.

Lose weight – the easy way!


Triple Blocker PRO: 3-in-1 carb, sugar & fat blocker that helps suppres hunger attacks and reduce cravings.


What do burgers, pizza, pasta, breads or chocolate all have in common?


They are all delicious – and loaded with carbs and fats!

And not necessarily the “good kind” like slow digesting carbohydrates or healthy fats, but high glycemic carbs that spike our blood sugar and go directly into our thighs, belly, arms or legs.


Unfortunately, even when we try to avoid processed foods and eat healthy, it can be difficult to know which options are truly good for us. Did you know that your favorite salad can contain 30% more fat than a hamburger? It’s no wonder so many people struggle with weight loss.


Restrictive diets are hard – and most don’t have long term success!


According to the latest weight-loss research, 95% of dieters end up regaining the weight they lost on their diet within two years. So even if you stick to the diet and resitrct bad foods, most people end up gaining all the weight back anyways.


Triple Blocker PRO – the solution you’ve been waiting for!


This revolutinary slimming formula helps you to reach your weight loss goals without the need for strict diets.


With patented ID-alG™ brown seaweed extract, it works to reduce the activity of the digestive enzymes responsible for breaking down fat and carbohydrates, so that you can enjoy the same meals but with fewer calories! The addition of ProGymnema™ extract and ProGarcinia™ extract helps to suppres hunger attacks and reduce cravings – making weight loss easier than ever.


If you struggle to eliminate high-carb foods from your diet, lack motivation to stick to diets, don’t see results from exercise alone or struggle to control your calorie intake, order your Triple Blocker PRO today!

With clinically proven results and a 14-day money back guarantee, you can say goodbye to excess body weight forever!


Triple Blocker PRO 1+1 FREE

Enjoy your favorite food and lose weight!

  • The ultimate 3-in-1 slimming supplement - block carbohydrates, sugars & fats!
  • Cut calories from your meals (fatty and sugary foods) - blocks up to 77%* of carbohydrate and up to 63%* of fat digestion enzymes ¹
  • Sugar blocker that reduces sweet cravings ²
  • Suppresses the feeling of hunger ³
  • Contributes to the reduction of fat storage and helps in weight control ³
  • Clinical studies demonstrate weight and fat loss

Frequent question of our users:

How and why does it work?

With patented ID-alG™, ProGymnema™ and ProGarcinia™ extracts, this slimming formula helps block carbohydrates, sugars & fats, suppress hunger attacks and reduce cravings!

Who is it suitable for?

It is for anyone who wants to lose excess weight and fat and has trouble following diets or reducing calorie intake.

What ingredients does it contain?

Tapioca starch, ID-alGTM, natural lemon flavor, gymnema sylvestre extract, garcinia cambogia extract (60% hydroxycitric acid - HCA), sweetener: steviol glycosides.

What does it taste like?

Triple Blocker PRO has a refreshing natural lemon flavour

How do I use it?

The recommended daily dose is 10 g (2 scoops). Mix 5 g (1 scoop) into a glass (150 ml) of water before lunch and 5g (1 scoop) before dinner and drink.

What if I don't like the product?

No worries! We offer a satisfaction guarantee. If the product does not meet your expectations, we provide a 14-day refund.


Triple Blocker PRO 1+1 FREE

The ultimate 3-in-1 slimming supplement - block carbohydrates, sugars & fats, suppress hunger attacks and reduce cravings!

Clinically proven results with patented ID-alG™, ProGymnema™ and ProGarcinia™ (60% HCA) extracts

  • Enables effective weight loss without strict diets
  • Cut calories from your meals (fatty and sugary foods) - blocks up to 77%* of carbohydrate and up to 63%* of fat digestion enzymes ¹
  • Sugar blocker that reduces sweet cravings ²
  • Suppresses the feeling of hunger ³
  • Contributes to the reduction of fat storage and helps in weight control ³
  • Maintains normal absorption of micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals
  • HCA inhibits the breakdown of fat, helps reduce food intake and helps with weight loss³
  • Eliminate excess body weight and maintains satiation ³

Lose weight and shape your body without impossible strict diets!

* Based on clinical studies. Results may vary from person to person.

Net 300 g | for 30 days
Regular price: £69.80
and save £34.90
100% purchase protection with the option of returning the product - no questions asked.



  • Ingredients

  • Nutritional Values



    The recommended daily dose is 10 g (2 scoops). Mix 5 g (1 scoop) into a glass (150 ml) of water before lunch and 5g (1 scoop) before dinner and drink.

    For precise measuring we suggest weighing.


    The recommended daily amount should not be exceeded. The nutritional supplement is not a substitute for a balanced and varied diet. Not recommended to use during pregnancy and lactation.

    Storage: store in a cool and dry place. Keep out of reach of children!

    Due to natural variations in the properties of the active ingredients, the colour, taste and smell of the product may vary slightly from batch to batch. These changes do not affect the overall quality and performance of the product.

  • Ingredients

    Triple blocker PRO – food supplement with sweetener.

    Ingredients: Tapioca starch, ID-alGTM, natural lemon flavor, gymnema sylvestre extract (Gymnema sylvestre), garcinia cambogia extract (Garcinia gummi-gutta) (60% hydroxycitric acid – HCA), stabilizer: cellulose, sweetener: steviol glycosides. Contains naturally occuring sulfites.

  • Nutritional Values

    Nutritional valuesPer 10g
    ID-alG ™400 mg
    Gymnema Sylvestre extract200 mg
    Garcinia cambogia extract200 mg
    -of which hydroxycitric acid120 mg

    * NRV = prehranska referenčna vrednost


    Marlena S. - 15.07.2023

    I absolutely love this products I try few already and everyone I try next working better than another.i always had a problem with stomach I'm not not since I use this products! Highly recommended 😃👍

    Stephen R. - 29.08.2023

    Very happy with the products I have ordered and used so far. They ARE working for me.

    Jane J. - 30.10.2023

    I'm find the triple balance one very horrible taste. It doesn't work as well as the night time fat burner.

    Traci R. - 05.11.2023

    Great products. Helping with my bloating and to keep my weight down. Normal

    Yvette R. - 24.12.2023

    Been using this product for a week now

    Lisa T. - 02.01.2024

    Great information on products made it easy to choose. Thanks

    Jodie A. - 04.01.2024

    I've had a product from this company before and was very pleased with the results

    Vanessa B. - 08.01.2024

    Easy to navigate site

    Susan G. - 08.01.2024

    A fantastic product I have been taking it for4 days and my sleep has improved and I'm loosing the weight also

    Judit R. - 15.01.2024

    Nadia B. - 16.01.2024

    Many thanks for the items received just started taking them few days ago I hope they will work

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