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Detox Digest 1+1 FREE

Removes toxins to lose weght & improves digestion. Promotes digestive comfort.

£63.80 £31.90
Best Seller

Detox FatBurn

Weight loss drinks combo. Fat Burn Drink. Lose belly fat fast with this plan.

£71.80 £35.90

Detox Immune

Supports the immune system and contributes to the body's natural defenses.

£31.90 £25.52

Detox Immune 1+1 FREE

Supports the immune system and contributes to the body's natural defenses.

£63.80 £31.90

Detox Latte

Detox latte with 3-in-1 cleansing action. For body detoxification and aids in weight loss.

£24.90 £18.68

Detox Latte 1+1 FREE

Detox latte with 3-in-1 cleansing action. For body detoxification and aids in weight loss.

£41.50 £20.75

Detox Skin

2-in-1 beauty detox formula that helps cleanse the body and reduce wrinkles

£31.90 £25.52

Detox Skin 1+1 FREE

2-in-1 beauty detox formula that helps cleanse the body and reduce wrinkles

£63.80 £31.90

Detox Urinary

Triple detox power - milk thistle, artichoke extract and chlorella with cranberry extract.

£30.38 £24.31

Detox Urinary 1+1 FREE

Triple detox power - milk thistle, artichoke extract and chlorella with cranberry extract.

£63.80 £31.90
Best Seller

Detox WaterOut

Detox & weight loss. Superfood drink mix eliminates bloating. Refresh your body.

£67.80 £33.90

Doctor Liver

Natural superfood blend for liver support. Aids detoxification, prevents fat accumulation.

£47.98 £28.79
Best Seller

Healthy Liver bundle

Natural liver cleanse program for detox, weight loss and liver regeneration.

£59.80 £29.90


Liver Cleanse: Organic Superfoods Support Liver Health, Detoxification, Immune Efficiency

£29.90 £20.93
Best Seller


Liver cleanse drink. Superfood mix with Milk Thistle and Artichoke. For healthy liver.

£80.98 £40.49

Metabolism Booster Extreme

An 8 in 1 formulation that speeds up your metabolism and helps you lose weight

£34.90 £27.92

Metabolism Booster Extreme + OK!FatBurn

£65.80 £32.90

Metabolism Booster Extreme 1+1 FREE

An 8 in 1 formulation that speeds up your metabolism and helps you lose weight

£69.80 £34.90

Spirulina tablets 250mg

Spirulina Tablets: High protein, iron, fiber. Prevents fatigue, regulates body weight.


The best-selling body detox products such as Bio Detox, Liver Cleanse, Detox tea, Chlorella and Milk thistle, in addition to the detoxifying effect, have a high content of dietary fibre, protein, iron, vitamin C and chlorophyll. Due to their effectiveness, they are among the most popular on the market.

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FatBurn Tea*

Contributes to fat metabolism, eliminating excess body weight and naturally suppressing the feeling of hunger

£28.90 £8.09
Detox Anti-Age*

A 2-in-1 beauty detox formula that helps cleanse the body and prevent oxidative cell damage

£30.38 £12.16
SuperGreens BALANCE*

Green superfood blend for inner balance and well-being

£28.90 £11.56