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Protein in a diet

Protein in a diet From a young age, we are used to hearing that we need to eat a lot of protein to grow muscle. That we need them so that our body can function normally and we can grow and develop. And yet, are we really sure we know what the purpose of protein […]

Reusing the Nature’s Finest packaging

Reusing the Nature’s Finest packaging In today’s world, we are paying more and more attention to recycling, reducing environmental pollution and reusing products, which leads to significant progress in the field of sustainable development. However, with our habit of shopping online and the constant single use of packaging in stores, we are still flooded with […]

Nature comes to you

Nature comes to you It has been a tough year. We were forced to face the changes in our everyday. Working from home, online school, less time with friends, unhealthy meals, stressful moments. It is no surprise we were not always able to get the best healthy food options. Lifestyle changes can be a difficult […]

Natural techniques to improve memory

Natural techniques to improve memory What is memory? Memory is a mental activity with which we recall information that we have already experienced or learned in the past. It is a complex system based on many brain processes and is a key part of our lives. People learn a lot of things through life. We […]

OK! Memory to improve memory and concentration

OK! Memory to improve memory and Has it ever happened that you wrote a shopping list of what you needed to buy in the grocery store but then forgot the list at home and were not able to remember what was on it? Or you had a super important exam you studied ages for but […]

10 simple tricks for looking beautiful and fresh

10 simple tricks for looking beautiful and fresh These days so much is done digitally and on social media. Every single one of us can confirm that we want to look as good as possible if not almost perfect for the photo we are planning on posting later. Beauty is definitely in the eye of […]

Ways to boost your energy

Are you waking up tired, feeling unwell and barely powering through the day? Are you constantly tired and lack energy, even though you drink huge amounts of coffee? There are thousands of reasons for fatigue and low energy levels. The most common are lack of sleep, excessive caffeine intake, poor diet, dehydration, stress, lack of […]

How to overcome insomnia?

Sleep is one of the most self-evident and natural things in life. The biological rhythm of wakefulness and sleep accompanies us from birth. Sleep, especially good and sound sleep, is crucial to the quality of our lives. Sleep needs are different for each individual. Children need it the most, and most adults need seven to […]

PSYLLIUM HUSK – a treasury of natural fibre for regulated digestion

PSYLLIUM HUSK – a treasury of natural fibre for regulated digestion The modern way of life is fast and stressful for many. It can even lead to us not taking the time to eat and cook a balanced meal. We prefer to resort to fast food or pre-made meals, as it is easier and takes […]

Ana Meke – NCSF personal trainer

Ana Meke – NCSF personal trainer WHO AM I? First of all, let me shortly introduce myself. I’m Ana and I’m a personal trainer with an international NCSF certificate. I’ve been a trainer for more than 7 years, and I’ve been training for more than 15. I love outdoor activities and weightlifting at the gym. […]