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World health day: Say goodbye to depression!

How often do you think about your health? Do you often decide to make a change only after you feel something is going on with your body and you need to see the doctor? Do you dedicate some of your time to planning your meals, meditating and exercising or are you among those who give in to stress and small insignificant task that makes you feel like there arent enough hours in the day?

Today you have a good enough reason to look inside yourself and maybe make your first lifestyle change. 7 April is World Health Day which the World Health Organisation (WHO) proclaimed in 1950. Every year the focus on the most concerning issue – this year, the main talk is the hidden, ever reoccurring disease, depression.

What is depression?

Depression is not exclusively a genetic disease or a weakness that can be easily avoided but can affect people of all ages. It most often manifests itself as a mood disorder that causes us to lose interest in activities we once enjoyed, feel constant guilt, sadness, change in appetite, in the worst cases there can also be suicidal thoughts and last but not least, the act itself. Because we do not pay enough attention due to the difficult recognition of the disease and consequently do not seek medical help, treatment does not occur, even though it can be cured with psychotherapy or in combination with medication.

We can do a lot for our health if we just pay enough attention to it. Focus on preventing the said disease and it will not enter your life. So today, go outside with friends, family and fully enjoy the fresh spring air, most, put down your mobile phones and do not allow insignificant provocations to shorten your valuable free time, but rather devote it to activities, socializing and healthy diet.

Say goodbye to stress!

Rhodiola Rosea is a natural aid for mental balance and energy boost that has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries. Only one gram of powder per day, added to smoothies, tea or water can protect your body from stressful situations, prevent fatigue and improve your cognitive abilities.

Let today be your first step to a fuller and healthier life!

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