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Tips for faster hair growth

For faster hair growth you do not need miracles and expensive treatments. You can support the hair in a completely natural way. However, you have to be patient, because hair does not grow overnight. Below you will find some helpful tips for faster hair growth.


Proper nutrition 

We all know that a balanced and healthy diet affects the appearance of our skin, and it is not surprising that it has the same effect on our hair. If you want your hair to grow faster, it is important to provide enough protein (fish, nuts, eggs) to your body. Vitamins A, C and E, as well as B vitamins and iron, are very important, as they contribute to hair growth and health.


Avoid frequent haircuts!

Many people believe that hair will grow faster if we cut the tips regularly. But experts say that this is not true. Whether we cut our hair or not, it will grow somewhere up to 2 cm per month. Hair growth is affected by the hair follicles, which determine the growth rate and length of the hair, and the cutting of the tips has no effect on them. If you have split ends, haircut is definitely recommended, but it is also necessary to find a solution on how to prevent or reduce the split ends.


Use hair conditioner/balm when washing your hair!

“If your hair is wet, it means you have to use conditioner”, says one of the popular hairdressers. “During dying and drying, the tips become thinner. The hair conditioner nourishes the hair with the help of lipids and proteins. The conditioner nourishes and moisturizes the hair, thus makes it shiny. It prevents brittle hair and makes brushing easier.”


Do not use shampoo every time you take a shower!

You should not wash your hair every day. This will decrease the healthy oils, which are important for shiny hair. Make sure to not use aggressive hair cosmetics, as they weaken the function of the hair follicles.


Use oils and hair masks weekly!

Shoulder-length hair is several years old, so it needs a little more care than a regular hair conditioner can offers. Popular hairdressers advise weekly use of moisturizing oils and masks. They also advise the use of homemade oils before shampooing.

Recipe for hair mask before shampooing: Mix a tablespoon of extra virgin coconut oil and a teaspoon of MSM powder. Apply on the hair tips and leave on for 10 minutes, then wash your hair as usual.


Coconut oil promotes the hair growth, repairs the damaged hair, nourishes the scalp and helps eliminate dandruff. The nourishing mask with coconut oil will strengthen and nourish your hair and protect it from harmful external factors.


Enjoy hair supplements!

It has been shown that adding certain vitamins to the diet and changing lifestyle can speed up the hair growth and reduce the hair loss. Your body needs many important nutrients to create new hair. Treat yourself with MSM, also known as the beauty mineral. MSM is a form of natural organic sulphur. MSM is produced in the growth process of algae in the oceans, then it evaporates into the clouds, and in the form of rain it falls back onto the globe and becomes food for all types of terrestrial organisms. The food we eat is often heavily processed, thus we get sulphur in small quantities through our diet. Because of that, it is advised to enjoy it in a form of a dietary supplement. We should consume it in combination with vitamin C, as it increases the absorption. Sulphur can also be used in hair and face masks, creams, etc.


Vitamin C is essential for healthy hair!

Vitamin C is important for healthy hair. It helps in the production of collagen, which is essential for healthy and shiny hair. It acts as an antioxidant and prevents hair loss. A lot of vitamin C is found in citrus fruits (oranges and lemons) and in green peppers. The recommended daily amounts are 1,000 to 3,000 mg of vitamin C.


Adequate daily fluid intake!

Water is crucial for the normal functioning of the body, as well as for the hair. You need at least 1 litre per 25 kg of body weight per day, and if you are active or stay in hot and humid environments, a little more. To really consume enough of it, always get a bottle of water with you.


Brush your hair regularly!

Brushing your hair and scalp helps stimulate the hair follicles, so if you do this regularly, your hair will start to grow much faster.


Weekly scalp massage!

Scalp massage is one of the best hair growth promoters. You only need coconut oil, rosemary essential oil and a larger towel.

What do you need for a scalp massage? Heat the coconut oil in the microwave, let it cool a bit, add a few drops of rosemary essential oil and apply it on your hair and scalp. Next step is to gently massage the scalp for about five minutes, then wrap your hair in a wet towel previously soaked in hot water. Leave on for at least 10 minutes. Brush your hair well and wash it. If you pamper your hair this way at least once a week, it will be more supple, shiny and also grow faster.