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The best way to DETOX

The quality of nutrients in fresh produce has decreased drastically in the last 50 years. This comes as a result of several different factors such as genetically modified foods only focused on quantity and not the quality. The use of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, hormones, heavy metals and various antibiotics leaves consequence on crops and the soil.


Eating healthy and balanced meals rich in vitamins, minerals and other nutrients our body needs is becoming increasingly more difficult. That’s the reason more and more people go for superfoods that offer us all the nutrients we need. Organic chlorella powder is one of those superfoods, because of the extremely rich nutritional value that makes it a great nutritional supplement in our daily diet. This green superfood is most popular for detoxifying and cleansing the body.

What is chlorella?

Chlorella is a dark green microscopic algae. Its name comes from the Greek word “Chloros” meaning green and the Latin diminutive “ella” meaning small. Despite it being small, chlorella contains several nutrients, such as:

  • PROTEIN– chlorella algae is 45% protein
  • VITAMINS – in addition to vitamin A, B9, C, E, K , chlorella also contains vitamin B12 important in the production of red blood cells and nerve formation
  • MINERALSin addition to calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium, chlorella is an extremely rich source of iron, which also helps in the production of red blood cells
  • ANTIOXIDANTS – prevent damage and premature ageing
  • DNA in RNA nucleic acids – prevent the ageing process
  • CHLOROPHYLL – chlorella contains 10 times more chlorophyll than spirulina

Why is Chlorella so popular for detoxification?

Chlorella contains a high amount of chlorophyll which makes it the best ingredient to include into your detox. Chlorophyll is a molecule in structure almost identical to red blood cells which means it is highly nutritious for our blood. Consuming chlorella helps us get all the nutrients and oxygen to our cells and removes lethal toxins from our body. Chlorophyll is especially good for cleaning the blood and protecting our liver.


Chlorella is a single-celled freshwater alga extremely rich in a wide range of nutrients. It is a perfect source of protein as it contains all 8 essential amino acids that our body cannot produce, so they need to be consumed through diet.


Chlorella algae has an amazing ability to draws heavy metals from body tissue. It is extremely rich in omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. Research shows that consuming chlorella helps prevent diabetes, obesity, liver damage, high blood pressure, and constipation. It also helps strengthen the immune and digestive systems and prevents the formation of bacteria and mold related illnesses.

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Chlorella powder Bio

Green algae that boosts the natural detoxification process and enhances vitality.
  • 100% organically produced
  • Natural source of chlorophyll
  • Rich in iron
  • Enhances natural detox
  • Immune-boosting
Net 125 g | for 30 days
Regular price: £9.32
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Milk thistle

Milk thistle is a plant that is known for its detoxifying effects and is essential in the fight against the fat around the liver. In addition to protecting the liver, it also has the ability to cleanse the body and supports digestion, thus it is an excellent anti-constipation agent.

The liver has various functions that are crucial to our health. Among other things, it removes toxins from the body. Therefore, occasional detoxification of the body is a mandatory “maintenance” to maintain our well-being.


How can you recognize a strained liver?

Fatty liver causes:

  • slower metabolism of carbohydrates and prevents the storage of excess glucose, which means that the body does not receive a wave of energy when it needs it, which is shown as constant fatigue and exhaustion
  • poor fat and carbohydrate metabolisms, which cause accumulation of fat around the waist and abdomen
  • heartburn
  • excessive sweating and feeling hot
  • poor and slow digestion accompanied by bloating and occasional nausea
  • weak immune system
  • skin problems (itchy skin with acne or dark spots).


Moringa oleifera is a tree that originates from India. It is proven to help maintain normal blood glucose levels. Its leaves are rich in protein, fibre, vitamins A, B, E and minerals, such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron.

Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory

Moringa contains a mixture of essential amino acids (protein building blocks), carotenoid phytonutrients (the same species found in plants such as carrots and tomatoes), antioxidants such as quercetin, and natural antibacterial compounds that work in the same way as many anti-inflammatory drugs.

Helps regulate blood glucose levels

Moringa contains many acids which are proven to help control the sugar levels and facilitate the normal release of glucose.

In addition to the aforementioned acids, it also contains compounds – isothiocyanates, which protect from diabetic agents. It also raises blood haemoglobin levels.

Promotes digestive tract health 

Moringa is used to prevent ulcers in the stomach, liver disease, kidney damage, all gastrointestinal problems, problems with candida and other fungal or viral infections.

Protects and nourishes the skin

Moringa contains natural antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral compounds that protect the skin from different skin infections.

Using moringa has been proven to help with the problems of athletics foot, odours, different fungal infections, dandruff, gum inflammation, warts, wounds, and burns. Moringa kills the bacteria on the skin, while it keeps it hydrated and nourished at the same time. That is why it is a component of different moisturizers.


Keep gaining weight and you don’t know why? Do you feel heaviness and bloating in your stomach, despite being careful about what you consume and not overeating?

Constipation is a condition that is often not taken seriously enough, as it can be a very unpleasant and painful experience.

Triphala is a mixture of the dried fruits of the following three plants native to India: Amla, Haritaki and Bibhitaki.

  • Amla is used in Indian traditional medicine to improve the functioning of the digestion and intestines, to nourish, strengthen and cleanse the body. It contributes to better physical well-being.
  • Haritaki is a tropical tree grown by itself in the Andaman Islands. The names Indian almond, Bengal almond, tropical almond and many others.
  • Bibhitaki contributes to cardiovascular health, supports respiratory health, helps stabilize the health and natural resistance of the skin, has a laxative effect and regulates digestion. It is so highly valued in Tibet that it appears in their sacred images.