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Reduce cholesterol levels with beta-glucans

Have you ever wondered why they recommend eating oatmeal to lower cholesterol and prevent cardiovascular disease? This is largely due to healthy soluble fibre and the many benefits of beta-glucans. They help boost digestion, increase immunity, extend the feeling of satiety, maintain a clean digestive tract, promote weight loss, beautiful looks and well-being.


What are beta-glucans?

Most people have never heard of them, but they are discussed in nearly 13,000 expertly peer-reviewed articles published in scientific journals.

Beta-glucans from yeasts Saccharomyces cerevisiae are natural polysaccharides that are classified as immuno-modulators; which means they “modulate” (change) our immune system to make it as effective as possible. These fibre-like molecules work by activating all the cells of the immune system in the body. When the body is confronted with foreign pathogens (e.g., viruses, bacteria, fungi, cancer, parasites, etc.), beta-glucans place immune cells on “high alert” to deal with attackers.

Beta-glucans from oats are a form of soluble dietary fibre that is strongly associated with improving cholesterol levels and improving heart health. Like many fibres, they are also available in the form of a dietary supplement.

Beta-glucans found in nature are found in whole grains, some plants such as oats, bran, wheat and barley. They act as highly conserved structural components of cell walls in seaweed, yeast, and fungi such as maitake and reishi mushrooms.

Why do we need fibre?

Dietary fibre is obtained from plant or vegetable food sources. You may have heard that fibre is good for us, but did you know that not every fibre is the same? There are two main categories of dietary fibre: soluble and insoluble. There are different types within each category. Soluble fibre, such as beta-glucans, is partially soluble in water. Insoluble fibre does not dissolve at all. Most foods contain both types of fibre, but the amounts can vary.

Dietary fibre supports good health as it helps the body reduce cholesterol and control blood sugar levels. It also helps with constipation and bowel movements, maintains healthy bacteria in the gut and helps regulate body weight.

What are the benefits of beta-glucans?

A diet rich in fibre is associated with several positive health effects. The results of numerous studies on humans and animals have shown that dietary fibre improves overall health and reduces the risk of various chronic lifestyle-related diseases, including cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.

  • They regulate blood sugar levels

They can control blood sugar levels for those who already suffer from diabetes. Consumption of beta-glucans from oats and barley can have a positive effect on the reduction of postprandial glucose and the response to insulin release.

  • They regulate cholesterol levels

There is much evidence that beta-glucans improve heart health. Numerous studies suggest that beta-glucans can lower cholesterol and triglycerides. They found that eating oats with at least 3 g of beta-glucans a day reduced bad cholesterol (LDL) levels by between 5 and 7 per cent. There are several ways in which beta-glucans lower serum cholesterol:

  • They remove cholesterol from the bloodstream

Beta-glucans from oats prevent cholesterol from being absorbed from food, resulting in a deficiency. Our body begins to take it out of the bloodstream to ensure normal functioning. This is great news for us, as it starts lowering blood cholesterol.

  • They prevent food cholesterol from absorbed into the bloodstream

The food we eat daily provides about 20% of the cholesterol we take into the body. There are many cholesterol-rich foods, especially with high levels of saturated fat.

  • They prevent cholesterol-like substances from re-absorbing in the stomach

When breaking down cholesterol, the liver produces bile. In the intestines, cholesterol and bile are released at the same time to help with digestive processes. Beta-glucans from oats bind to cholesterol and bile and prevent them from being absorbed back into the body through the colon.

How do they work?

Because they are soluble fibre, beta-glucans slow down the passage of food in the gut. This means that the body needs longer to digest food. Slower digestion means that the body does not absorb sugar as quickly, which helps maintain blood sugar levels. Beta-glucans are indigestible, so they go through the entire digestive tract and thus have a positive effect on healthy digestion.

Why is good bowel function important?

Waste material that stays in our gut for a long time causes quite a few problems. A variety of intestinal diseases arise from toxins in the intestines and putrefaction. How do we clean the intestines? The easiest way to do this is with fibre. Our Beta Glucan is a great source and will help you with bloating and speed up your digestion. As a result, your gut will function better, which will have a strong impact on your well-being, health and looks.