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Low-calorie bread you can enjoy guilt-free


Bread is a ALWAYS on my menu! I adore it and not a day goes by that I don’t eat it. Years ago, I started baking bread, as homemade bread is, in my opinion, better than the ones from the stores, it is tastier, stays fresh longer, and last but not least, it’s cheaper!

At first I followed the already known “basic” recipe – white flour, yeast, water, sugar and salt. As I gained more and more weight over the years and I knew I definitely couldn’t eliminate bread from my menu, I started experimenting. I started using rice, buckwheat and whole-grain flour, as well as fresh ingredients like onions, garlic and herbs. I brought to perfection the various recipes.

Lately I take good care for my figure, so I’ve developed the healthiest recipe to date. I composed the recipe from Nature’s Finest products, which started appearing in my kitchen about a year ago.

This recipe is a memory of my student mornings, when I was still living with my roommates in Ljubljana. Since one of them really enjoyed cooking, we had a rich breakfast on the table every morning. Mostly these were porridges in 1001 ways – a cheap and very healthy breakfast, but a bit time consuming.

The bread we will bake today is quick to prepare and stays fresh for several days, it’s very healthy, nutritious, and cheaper than the ones from the store (in the end I added the whole price list, as I believe that price also plays an important role). You will be able to eat it completely without a guilty conscience as it doesn’t add extra kilos. Let’s see…



First, cook the porridge in salted water, but less than the needed time. The porridge can also be mixed, this time I used millet and buckwheat, which are normally cooked for 15-20 minutes. I cooked them for about 10 minutes.

Add half of the water to the psyllium husk to form a gel. Psyllium husk is a laxative that supports a proper digestion, has a beneficial effect on cholesterol and blood sugar levels and has probiotic effects. Due to its many positive properties, it is increasingly popular in Slovenian kitchens.
Drain the porridge and put all the ingredients together with the psyllium husk and the rest of the water in a bowl.
Mix them with a hand mixer or blender.
Line the bread model with baking paper and pour the mass into it. Finally, sprinkle some muesli over the mass.

Bake in the oven at 175° C for about 1h 30min – 1h 45min. Check if the bread is baked by inserting a toothpick into the middle. If the toothpick is clean when taken out, the bread is baked!

Nature’s Finest Bio peanut butter in any flavour goes just perfect with this bread (I prefer the cocoa and coconut or cookie peanut butter).

Price of plain bread in the store (per kg): 1.80€ – 3.60€
Average price of BIO bread in the store (per kg): 4.20 – 5€

Price of Nature’s finest bread, according to the quantities used:

220 g porridge 0,55 €
60 g Nature’s Finest Bio Muesli 0,68 €
30 g Nature’s Finest Psyllium husk 0,34€
40 g Nature’s Finest Bio chia seeds 0,43€
40 g Nature’s Finest Bio flax seeds 0,8€
1 tsp. Nature’s Finest Himalayan salt 0,05€
a bit of good will
TOTAL 2,85 €

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Psyllium Husk powder Bio 250g

For naturally better digestion
  • Organically produced
  • High in dietary fibre
  • Help regulate cholesterol levels
  • Helps with digestion
Net 250 g | for 25 days
Regular price: £13.58
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