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Coconut water – a natural isotonic

What is coconut water/milk/butter?

All three substances are formed inside the coconut. Coconut water is obtained from young, still green coconuts. As the coconut matures, coconut water becomes coconut milk. When the coconut ripens, the milk produces meat, from which they obtain coconut butter and coconut flour. However, these three substances are quite different from each other and have different nutritional composition and effects


Nutrients in coconut water

Coconut water contains very little fat and carbohydrates but is rich in minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, iron and chloride, which are important elements in maintaining healthy cells, as they provide better regeneration and hydration of cells during increased sweating. Coconut water is also rich in B-complex vitamins and vitamin C.

Positive effects of drinking coconut water

  1. Electrolyte replacement: Due to its high potassium content (as much as 600 mg/serving), coconut water is classified as an isotonic drink, very popular among athletes.
  1. Lower blood pressure and blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels: Potassium contradicts the effects of sodium and thus has a positive effect on blood pressure. The combination of potassium, calcium and magnesium prevents heart attacks.
  1. Detox effect: Assuming that the body gets enough fluids, it has a “self-cleansing” function performed by the kidneys and liver. We need to ensure adequate fluid intake, but on hot summer days with increased sweating, water alone may not be enough. Coconut water has a very similar composition to blood plasma and as such is an excellent means of replacing fluid and electrolytes lost through sweating, which in turn helps eliminate toxins from the body.
  1. It works against stress and muscle tension: Almost as good as a massage! Calcium and magnesium have a relaxing effect on the muscular and nervous systems. Magnesium also helps in the production of serotonin, the hormone of happiness.
  1. Anti-ageing: Because coconut water hydrates and regenerates cells, the latter can divide faster and regenerate, which slows down the ageing process and improves the appearance of the skin.
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