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Innovation of the Year 2017

The Institute of Nutrition awarded the most innovative foods produced in Slovenia and placed on the market last year.

The award for innovation in the Breakfast Cereal Group went to our product Bio Body cleanse muesli. The jury was convinced with its excellent nutritional profile, divine flavour, and innovative composition.


Innovation Award in the Breakfast Cereals Group

BIO Body cleanse muesli

(Nutrisslim d.o.o.)


A nutritious blend with different types of flakes, buckwheat, pumpkin, sesame and sunflower seeds, sprouted seed granola and plantain seeds. It does not contain added sugars or salt, the added cinnamon gives it a particularly appealing flavour. All ingredients are organic, and the product is also a rich source of dietary fibre.

According to the director of the institute, Igor Pravst, these are quality products with a great nutritional composition, which are at the same time friendly to both – consumers and the environment. The products are in accordance with the principles of sustainable development. According to Pravst, the purpose of the project, which was carried out for the third time this year, is to promote innovation in food development among domestic producers and thus provide consumers with a more diverse selection of high quality foods.

The basic purpose of this non-commercial project is to encourage Slovenian food producers to develop new or redesign existing foods in order to achieve better nutritional composition and other benefits for consumers. The project was co-financed by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Slovenia within the health protection and promotion program. The Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Nutrition, Mag. Dejan Zidan and Mojca Gobec, General Director of the Public Health Directorate at the Ministry of Health also attended the ceremony.

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