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100% natural | vegan

Morning beauty

food supplement

A delicious mix for a pink latte drink with hyaluronic acid, maca and ashwagandha

  • Supports physical and mental performance
  • It contributes to emotional balance
  • It helps to feel more energetic
  • It helps the body adapt to stress
  • It has a beneficial effect on fertility
  • It helps maintain the health and elasticity of the skin
  • Vegan, lactose-free and sugar-free
Net 275 g | for 42 days
Regular price: £41.94
In stock
and save £10.49
60-day refund policy
Free delivery for orders over £50
Delivery within 2-3 working days

Shake up your morning routine

Treat yourself to a pink latte drink with collagen, hyaluronic acid, maca and ashwagandha and increase your physical and mental performance for the whole day. It maintains the health and elasticity of the skin, which will become visibly more vital and taut after just a few uses.

Already in the morning, it takes care of everything you and your skin need during the day



Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body, whose production is greatly reduced after the age of 25. It is a basic component of skin, hair, nails, bones, and connective tissue. Its deficiency is manifested in brittle nails, dry hair and hair loss, wrinkles, and joint pain.


Hyaluronic acid is a natural component of the human body, which is also found in connective tissues and skin, where it provides elasticity. Hyaluronic acid is a key component of healthy skin, so its deficiency is mainly manifested in dry, inelastic skin and the appearance of wrinkles.


Ashwagandha helps with emotional balance and general well-being, helps the body adapt to stress, helps maintain skin health and energy levels, and thus helps to feel more energetic.


Morning beauty

Delicious pink latte drink blend with collagen, hyaluronic acid, and ashwagandha

  • It contributes to emotional balance
  • It helps the body adapt to stress
  • It helps to feel more energetic
  • It has a beneficial effect on fertility
  • It helps maintain the health and elasticity of the skin
  • Vegan, lactose-free and sugar-free

Frequent question of our users:

How and why does it work?

Pink Latte with collagen, hyaluronic acid and ashwagandha helps replace lost collagen, provides healthier and more supple skin, helps with emotional balance, resistance to stress and more energetic well-being.

How to prepare it?

The mixture contains rice drink powder and is therefore suitable for mixing in water and quick and easy preparation.

What does it taste like?

This pink drink has a great sweet taste of coconut and vanilla. Nature's Finest Vitamin C + Selenium + Zinc has a fresh lemonade taste.

What ingredients does it contain?

Rice drink powder*, maca powder*, ashwaganda powder*, natural beetroot dye, natural vanilla flavor, hyaluronic acid, bamboo extract. *organic.

How long does it take for me to receive the package?

We will do our best to process and ship your order the same day. On average, packages are delivered between 2-3 days.

What if I don't like the product?

No worries! If you are not 100% satisfied with the product, we will refund your purchase within 14 days from the day of purchase!


Morning beauty

A delicious mix for a pink latte drink with hyaluronic acid, maca and ashwagandha

  • Supports physical and mental performance
  • It contributes to emotional balance
  • It helps to feel more energetic
  • It helps the body adapt to stress
  • It has a beneficial effect on fertility
  • It helps maintain the health and elasticity of the skin
  • Vegan, lactose-free and sugar-free
Net 275 g | for 42 days
Regular price: £41.94
and save £10.49
100% purchase protection with the option of returning the product - no questions asked.



  • Ingredients



    PINK LATTE Collagen: Mix 2 teaspoons (10 g) of powder in a cup of hot water or plant milk and mix well.

    Vitamin C + Selenium + Zinc: The recommended daily dose is 5 g (1 scoop), add in a glass of water and stir.


    Due to natural variations in the properties of the active ingredients, the colour, taste and smell of the product may vary slightly from batch to batch. These changes do not affect the overall quality and performance of the product.

  • Ingredients

    PINK LATTE Collagen

    Ingredients: Rice powder * (rice *, oat beta-glucans, sunflower oil *, salt), sweetener erythritol *, hydrolyzed collagen peptides, coconut milk powder * (coconut cream *, rice maltodextrin *), ashwagandha powder (Withania somnifera) *, natural beetroot dye (2%), natural vanilla aroma (1.5%), hyaluronic acid. * ecological

    Vitamin C + Selenium + Zinc – a dietary supplement.

    Ingredients: maltodextrin, vitamin C (ascorbic acid), natural lemon aroma (3%), stabilizer: cellulose powder, zinc gluconate, steviol glycosides, selenium.


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